Controller Setup 8100-0114

A.P.E. Bandit
Quick and Easy Controller Setup
With preferred controller settings at conclusion.
R0028A Version

Reflow Controller  Operations – T1 Mode
T-1 mode is Auto Run with Time Adder function

To set Reflow Controller into T-1 mode:
Press and hold SET for ~ 6 seconds, display will read “modE” (mode of operation) use arrows to select “T1” (Automatic timer mode) press and hold SET for ~6 seconds to return to the operator display.

Determining the proper profile for your work:
The Bandit reflow controller will store 4 different reflow profiles for your use.  
The factory presets are as follows:

Profile #1 – Ramp time at 00.00 – Machine will ramp very quickly to temperature
(QFP, PLCC TSOP, and various leaded components.)*

Profile #2 – Ramp time is 1:00 – Air temperature will reach  set point in ~2 minutes.
(Large 208, 304 QFP. PBGA up to 1-1/2” sq, various plastic components)*

Profile #3 – Ramp time is 2:00 – Air temperature will reach  set point in ~3 minutes
(PBGA  larger than  1-12” sq, CBGA up to 1-12” sq)*

Profile #4 – Ramp time is 4:00 – Air temperature will reach  set point in ~5 minutes
(CBGA larger than 1-12” sq)*

*These are recommended profile requirements for various components based on past experiences, and may or may not fit your required profile.  See “Setting the Temperature and/or altering the Ramp rate” below.  Remember that temperature settings and ramp rates are for the airflow from the machine, the components and PCB will lag a bit behind the various ramps and temperatures.

A component specification sheet should be available for the IC you are reworking.  It will specify a maximum temperature for the IC, as well as a maximum ramp rate that the component can be heated at.

Example :  Maximum component temperature 450F,  Maximum Ramp rate 6 degrees F/per second)
Use the maximum IC temperature as a guideline for the temperature set point, and do the math to determine the exact profile requirements
Maximum IC (air) Temperature 450 F
Ambient Air Temp                        75 F
Equals                                          375 F Temperature change requirement.
375 deg F (temp change requirement)  divided by 6 deg F /sec (maximum component ramp rate) = 62.5 seconds to effect temperature change.  Profile #2 takes ~2:00 (120 seconds) to reach the set point and would be a very safe and conservative profile for this sample application.
Selecting the proper profile for your work:
Press SET key once to see “prof” on the controller display.  Select proper profile for work and press SET again 4 times to return to the operator screen.

Setting the Temperature, or Set Value, and/or altering the ramp rate for a given profile:
Press and hold SET for ~3 seconds to see SV (1,2,3,4) which is the temperature setting, set for ~450F using up or down arrow, then press SET.  You will then see the set RAMP RATE in minutes.  If you wish to alter the ramp time this is where it is done.  (The factory presets should be fine for most work, no need to change these settings)  Press and hold SET key for ~3 seconds to return to the operator screen

The Adder function:
The Adder function will automatically add a preset amount of time to the removal time.
By resetting the timer to zero, and then doing a component removal, the time to complete the removal (reflow all the solder) is stored in the controller.  The Adder function will add the desired time to the removal time to provide an accurate “Placement” reflow profile.
Example: (with Adder function set to “ON”, and Adder Timer set to 20 seconds)
Reset timer to zero (press up and down arrows at same time)
Complete removal process of component. (Press foot pedal for 2 seconds to begin heating, Apply Vacuum pickup to component to be removed, wait for component lift, press foot pedal for 2 seconds to end removal process.)  Note the timer display when ending the removal process.  ( example 2:15 )
Press SET key on controller to confirm the added time preset.
Complete site preparation
Place component (either by hand or with the Sniper Vision system) and then align beneath reflow nozzle.
Press and hold Start Switch for 2 seconds to begin heating.  The controller will display the air temperature as it ramps up, and the timer counting down from 2:35  (removal time 2:15 + Adder time :20 = 2:35)
When the timer reaches 0:00, the machine will automatically stop heating and begin to cool down.

Activating / Deactivating, and using the Adder function:
Press SET 3 times to see ADDr screen, use up or down arrows to select ON (OFF) , press set again, display will show time to be added to removal time.  Use up or down arrows to set at desired time above reflow (approx 20 to 30 seconds), then press SET to return to operator screen.
If the Adder function is set to OFF, the time setting is irrelevant    .

Setting the Timer for a known process, with Adder function “off”:
Press Set 2 times, the timer will be displayed,  use the up or down arrows to set the desired run time, press set 3 times to return to the operator display.  When the machine is activated (press foot pedal for 2 seconds), it will run for the amount of time set in the timer, then stop.  The airflow is fixed and constant, so a cooling process begins with the shut off of the machine.
NOTE: If the Adder function is ON, that adder time value will be added to your heating time.

*** If at any time you wish to cancel the operation, press the <RS key and hold for two seconds, this will stop the machine operation.

The Preheat or Bottom Controller:  

The bottom  (pre-heat) controller runs in the T-2 mode.

To set Reflow Controller into T-2 mode:
Press and hold SET for ~ 6 seconds, display will read “modE” (mode of operation) use arrows to select “T2” press and hold SET for ~6 seconds to return to the operator display.

Start and stop of the bottom side controller is triggered by the  Reflow (upper) controller

Match profile #’s top and bottom when doing a job.
Example: If using profile #2 on the reflow controller, use profile #2 on the pre-heater controller as well.

Set Temperatures usually range from 300f to 350F, a heavier board using a higher temperature.  For bottom side heating, only in rare cases is a temperature used that exceeds the melting point of solder. (361F or 183C)  This would be the case in a VERY dense heavy board.

4 Profiles are available, as with the Reflow  (upper) Controller

Setting the Temperature, or Set Value, and/or altering the ramp rate for a given profile:
Press and hold SET for ~3 seconds to see SV (1,2,3,4) which is the temperature setting, set for ~300F using up or down arrow, then press SET.  You will then see the set RAMP RATE in minutes.  If you wish to alter the ramp time this is where it is done.  (The factory presets should be fine for most work, no need to change these settings)  Press and hold SET key for ~3 seconds to return to the operator screen

Preferred Settings

Reflow Controller
T-1 Mode
Profile #1    SV1 475F   Ramp 0.00
Profile #2    SV2  475     Ramp 1.00
Profile #3    SV3  475     Ramp 2.00
Profile #4    SV4  475     Ramp 4.00

Preheat Controller
T-2 Mode
Profile #1   SV1 350F   Ramp 0.00
Profile #2   SV2 350F   Ramp 1.00
Profile #3   SV3 350F   Ramp 2.00
Profile #4  SV4  350F   Ramp 4.00

With the preset profiles, it is easy for the operator to get into a habit of matching top and bottom profiles when doing a repair.